As you know by now, we have a kitten. He's curious and rambunctious, if rambunctious means "a klutzy spaz and a pain in the ass." It makes working from home, or other household projects, somewhat of a challenge. For example, last night as I was sweeping up the bathroom debris, Fred decided to attack first the broom bristles, and then dive head-first into the broom receptacle.
Fred's favorite toy is his little blue mouse. It came in a 3-pack with a pink and yellow one, but the blue one's his absolute favorite. He carries it around in his mouth and batters it around at all hours.
time to retrieve it from under the dishwasher |
Last night as I was getting ready for bed, I head the unmistakable
whump that indicated Fred pouncing headfirst into the bedroom door. There is at least a 1 inch gap between the floor and the bottom of the door, and I saw the little blue mouse laying there in the room. I then saw Fred's white paw slowly reach out, set down on its tail, and pull it back under the door.
Fred basking in the just-cleaned windowsill moments before stretching, flipping onto his back, confusing himself, getting scared, and running off the window, knocking those glass hanging orbs over. |
Fred was being particularly bad yesterday. Here is what happened in a ten-minute window:
1) Fred eats from Tim's bowl of milk and cereal that he left out on his desk, we discovered after the fact.
2) I feed Fred his wet food as scheduled.
3) I hear a strange noise, pop my head into the kitchen, and see that Fred has thrown up maybe a
pound of stuff onto the fringes of the rug we washed the day before.
4) 30 seconds later: Fred goes to throw up again, this time directly onto the rug. I move him in time and it gets on the tiled floor that we hate anyway.
5) We clean up the puke and Tim mops the floor.
6) We get something from the bathroom, and Fred dashes in and runs directly into the wet paint tray.
7) We hold Fred to quickly clean his paws, and he thrashes around.
8) Fred throws up on the floor.
9) Fred takes a big dump in the litterbox.
Lastly, a 2-minute video entitled, "
Why I Can't Get Work Done," taken this morning.